The internet neighborhood just got better

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A couple of my friends have new websites/blogs and I want to spread the word. Putting one’s stake in a new piece of internet real estate seems a particularly bold and generous move these days when there are already nearly 200 million blogs worldwide, as reported by NM Incite. Tumblr, as of today’s date, reports 56 million blogs in their system alone. In this crowded landscape here are some sites not to be missed:

Dyana Herron is a writer of poetry, essays, and anything else she sets her mind to. She has that tremendous gift of making people laugh while saying things that matter. Her new website/blog is at Until recently Dyana was a blogger forImage Journal’s "Good Letters" blog. You can find her posts by clicking here.

Denise Frame Harlan is a writer, a teacher, and a maker of beautiful things. I was honored to share space with her in The Spirit of Food anthology. Read her essay there and you will never think about chicken pot pie in the same way again. Find her new website at and also visit her blog, which isn’t really new but new posts arrive reguarly, at
