Nancy Nordenson • The Livelihood Project

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About the new icon in the top left corner

I suppose I could call the new icon a "logo," but that triggers thoughts of branding, which triggers thoughts of platform building, which reminds me of how I nearly cried when I read Michael Hyatt's book, Platform, and the hairs rise up on the back of my neck in warning. Let's call it an icon. It matters to me how I think about these things, because the starting point, the intention behind, has everything to do with what emerges, and I don't mean what emerges in terms of Google Analytics but what emerges in terms of the integrity of the words.

The green and the leaves in the four corners speak of life and livelihood. The cross of white space in the middle is rich with meaning in multiple ways: the meaning inherent in a cross, any cross; the center space, centering; the empty white space inside; the horizontal and vertical arms of equal size (a Greek cross), which suggests the meeting of divine and the world. The cross also suggests an intersection, and ever since I started this blog in 2004, I said I was aiming at intersections (see sidebar), and then there's the common association between cross and healing/healthcare/medicine (my day job). The arrow shape going up and the arrow shape going down remind me that I try to go high and deep in my writing. The arrow up also looks like a spear piercing a curved canopy or dome, which resonates with what I write about in Finding Livelihood (ala Josef Pieper, see chapter "Still in French Airspace") and what I am often trying to do. And finally, God's grace is swirling around it all in the movement of the leaves around the border.


[Photo: taken of rocks and greenery on a walk.]