A post with wings

Karen Miedrich-Lou, one of the editors of Relief Journal, authors a beautiful blog, Stone Pillars. A couple weeks ago, a visitor brought an interesting offer to the comment section of her very first post from May 2006.

“Even the Rocks Shall Cry Out” is a meditation on the placement of stones as markers “of time, of place, or experience of the holy.” A cairn is one name for a structure of stones built for this purpose. Jacob had a dream, Miedrich-Lou, reminds us and then he “took the stone pillow and placed it on its end and poured oil on it.”

Recently a woman contacted her through the comments section for this post. She would like to use her concept of cairns in a cross-cultural multi-faith prayer room that she is establishing in an airport. What’s more, she’d like to print Miedrich-Lou’s words on a card placed in that room. (Read their transaction here, towards the bottom of the comments list.)

How cool is that??!!