Attending to joy


At the beginning of 2020 I chose a word for the year. I’ve never done this before, but this year some inner nudge got my attention. Joy. I chose joy. This year I’m going to attend to joy. Maybe the inner nudge came because I need to take joy more seriously. The pursuit of joy. The holding of joy. The claiming of and recognition of joy. A few days into the new year I searched my blog for posts that are about or that mention joy. Lots of posts appeared, including the last post I wrote in 2019, which to my surprise, actually had “joy” in its title. I hope you’ll click on the joy link and see what you can find. I’ll add some more as the year goes on. I’m still working on my hope manuscript, but I’m doing so while being alert to appearances of joy.


[Photo: a lovely rock with a lovely message]