A Duty to Share, to Sing it Out

I want to add one more short post about the book Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May. May's book is filled with story and wisdom about getting through the winters, literal or figurative, in our lives. Her writing fuels courage and resilience, it ignites compassion not only for others but for ourselves. Her writing is generous. She shares what she's learned. I didn't want to let the book go before copying out one more paragraph from the book, words in which she encourages we who have made it through winter to help others do the same.

"It often seems easier to stay in winter, burrowed down into our hibernation nests, away from the glare of the sun. But we are brave, and the new world awaits us, gleaming and green, alive with the beat of wings. And besides, we have a kind of gospel to tell now, and a duty to share it. We, who have wintered, have learned some things. We sing it out like birds. We let our voices fill the air."


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