A promise of strength


Reading recently in the New Testament, these words of Paul's shimmered for me: "He will also strengthen you to the end." (I Corinthians 1:8). Yes, please, to strengthening.

I looked up strengthen in my trusty hardcover Webster's New Dictionary for Synonyms—which still sits next to my desk decades after buying it used for $4.98 at Half-Price books—and found these synonyms for strengthen: invigorate, fortify, energize, reinforce. Yes, to all of that. God will strengthen, God will invigorate, God will fortify, energize, reinforce. Ever and always.

If each of us were to make a list of all that has zapped our reserve, our sense of strength, over the past year, I dare to assume that no list would be empty. In God's mercy, may all entries on such a list be converted to strength. May all entries come to eventually commingle generously with joy of the deep and abiding variety.


[Photo: very strong rock in northern Minnesota]