Pope Francis on hope


In an interview a number of years ago in America: The Jesuit Review, Pope Francis had this to say about hope:

"Christian hope is not a ghost and it does not deceive. It is a theological virtue and therefore, ultimately, a gift from God that cannot be reduced to optimism, which is only human. God does not mislead hope; God cannot deny himself. God is all promise."

I printed out this quote years ago, and it's lived on an index card in my box of project notes for my hope manuscript and sometimes on my actual desk top.

Maybe what is needed more than me continuing to try and finish my book about hope, which has been aiming at similar thoughts, is instead to copy this quote over and over again across 100 sheets of paper and call it done, trusting that the repetition of the thoughts would allow them to sink in and do their work in readers.

Tempting as that thought is, I'm continuing to plug along.


For an interesting coincidence, see the next post for something more from Pope Francis.


[Photo: taken of the sunset the other night. No touch up or filters.]