When you don't know what to do

I have a friend—a beloved woman, some years my senior, for whom I’m so grateful—who shares her wisdom with me from time to time. Back in November, after a difficult move of my father from his apartment into assisted living, which had been preceded by a couple difficult months, she sent me an email of encouragement. She included the words of a verse from the Old Testament, the book of II Chronicles. It’s a verse I’ve long loved, but it hadn’t come to my mind in a while.

“We don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”

The story of the verse is that the people of Judah were surrounded by a vast enemy army and the King didn’t know what to do. So he prayed aloud a prayer that asked the Lord for help, ending with this admittance of helplessness yet a face turned toward God.

After he had prayed, someone announced he had a message from the Lord. “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s….[S]tand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you.” Then the King and his people fell to their knees and worshipped God.

The next morning, the men went out to face the opposing army. Instead of taking up weapons, the King told them to sing praises to the Lord. They began, and while they sang, the Lord set ambushes for the invading army. The people of Judah were saved.

That’s the story in which this wonderful line is anchored. My story doesn’t match that story, and I’m sure yours doesn’t either. There’s no enemy invasion on my block, no need for marching out to battle or the setting of ambushes. Yet, life is complex and often heavy. I’m so glad my friend reminded me of this line. In turn, I’m passing it on to you.

“We don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”


[photo: polar bears at Como Park Zoo in St. Paul, Minnesota ]